
Evolution of New Economic System General Course of Reform


M. Y e r s h o v, V. T a t u z o v, E. U r i e v a. Innovative Development Targets: «Recollection of the Future?» (Macroeconomic Dynamics in the Early 2013 Contradict Pre-Crisis Forecasts)


V. Z h u k o v s k y. «Oil-and-Gas Titanic» at the End of the First Year of the «New Old» Political Cycle (Comments on Official Macroeconomic Statistics)


Property. Corporatization. Investments


O. D m i t r i e v a. Specifics of State Property Administration in Russian Federation


World Economy


A. P y l i n. Post-Soviet Georgia Economy: Trends and Problems (Finale)


L. V a r d o m s k y. Independent Armenia in Search of Economic Development Model


Economy and Education


V. K u l k o v. Space and Substance of Nationally-Oriented Approach in Economic Theory


Criticism and Bibliography


P. C h i t i p a k h o v y a n. Reorganization of National Corporations:Practically-Oriented Comprehensive Study (of the Book: Glushetsky A.A. Issuing, Financial and Organizational Aspects of Corporate Reorganization)


Scientific Reports. Forum


Y u. L e o n o v a. Attractiveness of Russia’s Regions for National and Foreign Investors: Suggestions for Evaluation


K. K u z n e t s o v a, E. P o p o v a, N. S h i l o v a. Urban Public Transport in Developed Countries:  Specific of Organization and Means of Financing