
Towards 70th Anniversary of Victory (from Commemorative Book «Great Patriotic:Geopolitics, Economy and Spirituality Issues» Ekonomicheskaya Gazeta PH)

V. G u s e v,
P. M a k a r o v
A. P o k a t o v.
Science — Defense Economy – Victory (sequel)

V. L e k s i n.
The Art of Victory


Evolution of New Economic System General Course of Reform

S. B a t c h i k o v,
V. Z h u k o v s k y.
The Next Official Attempt at Justifying the Dead-End Socio-Economic Course (on the Government Report-2014)


Agrarian Transformations

R. G u m e r o v.
Agrofood Policy: How to Realize the Change of Paradigms (Conceptual Ideas on Reforming Management System in Russia’s Agribusiness)


Reform and Region

V. L e k s i n,
B. P or f i r i e v.

Redevelopment of Russia’s Arctic Regions:Methodological and Organizational Issues


Criticism and Bibliography

R. G r i n b e r g.
Pragmatism of General Economics (On Grzegorz Kolodko book «Where is World Moving: Political Economics of the Future»)

А. P o r o k h o v s k y.
Debt Problem as a Phenomenon of the 21stCentury (From a Multi-Author Book of Political Economy Chair of MSU Economics Department, Issued on the 210th Anniversary of the Chair)