
70th Anniversary of Victory

E. Tyurina

Radical Expansion of Publicly Accessible Base of Sources for the Study into Establishment of Military-Industrial Complex in the USSR in Prewar Decades (Concerning a Unique Multivolume Series of Collections of Declassified Archive Documents Issued by the Russian Public Record Office     of Economy)


Evolution of New Economic System

General Course of Reform

Yu. Vinslav

Federal Industrial Policy Law: Once Again on Currency of Legislative Innovation as Such, on Systems Flaws and Lines of Finalization of the Concrete Version of the Document (Finale)


Fiscal and Credit Relations

S. Glaziev

National Monetary and Financial System: Destabilizing Efforts of the West and Ways of Its Counteraction


Social Processes

Social Situation in Russia in the Middle of the «New Old» Political Cycle: What’s Going on and What Prospects are Observed? (Speculations and Assessments by V. Bobkov, S. Glaziev and M. Delyagin)


Floor to our Colleagues

A. Frolov

Klaus Phenomenon (Actual Reprint of the 14 Year-Old op-ed Essay)


Criticism and Bibliography

V. Antyushina

A Detailed Study of Crisis Evolution of the European Component of Global Monetary and Financial System (on B.K.Irishev Book «Euro Crisis and Global Risks)    


Scientific Reports. Forum

N. Suvorov, V. Borisov

On Quality and Quntity Distinctness of «Innovative Technological Products» and Methods of Evaluation there of in Terms of Resource Saving Development of Russia’s Industry


A. Nazarova, N. Khozhainov

Agricultural Insurance: Concerning Conseption of Urgent Transformations