
Evolution of New Economic System

General Course of Reforms

V. I v a n t e r, B. P o r f i r i e v, A. S h i r o v.

From Economic Folicy UpGrading to a Qualitative Economic growth


Financial and credit relations

M. Y e r s h o v, V. T a t u z o v, L. L u p a n d i n a.

Rouble Strengthening as a Factor of Economic Recovery and Resistance to Inflation


Foreign economic aspects

Y u. P e t r o v, A. K a r a p e t i a n.

Evaluation of Tax Benefit Arising from Profit Shifting from Russia to Offshores and Substantiation of Measures for Economy Deoffshorization

S. T k a c h u k.

From CU – CES to EEU Proper: with Respect to Harmonization of Industrial Policy of Member-States (Conceptual Considerations). Finale


World economy

L. N o v o s i o l o v a.

The Latest Changes in CPR’s Fiscal System for the Sake of Socioeconomic Development of the Country


Criticism and bibliography

Y u. Y a k u t i n.

Under the Slogan «Useful». Free Economic Society of Russia: 250 Years of Service of the Country (Fragments of the Opening Chapter to the History and Records Book «Bees Bringing Honey to Hive» Published by Ekonomicheskaya Gazeta Publishing House). Finale