
Evolution of New Economic System

Reform and Region

V. A n i s i m o v (Yekaterinburg),

Industry in Territorial Entities of the RF: Parameters of the Latest Evolution and Problemswith Lawful Regulation

Foreign Economic Aspects

V. D e m e n t i e v, E. U s t y u z h a n i n a.
Incorporation of National Economy in Global Value Chains: Creative Potential and Risks

Methodology, Theory, Practice

A. L y u b i n i n.
Once Aagain on Economics Genesis and Subject

D e m i a n e n k o (Khabarovsk).
Once Again of Implemented Academic Program of Fundamental Research into Spatial Development of the Country

Criticism and Bibliography

Y u. Y a r i o m e n k o.
Was the Diagnosis Accurate? [From the Book of Works by Academician Yu.V.Yariomenko (1935—1996) «On Economic» Issued in Commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of His Birth by RAS Institute of National Economic Forecasting]. Preamble by A. M e l e n t i e v 88

Scientific Reports. Forum

D. Y u d i n a (Samara).
On Launching Wholesale Insurance of Residential Real Estate Against Disasters

N. K u t e p o v a.
College Professor at Secondary School: How to Convey to Pupils the Topics of Unemployment and Inflation? (Finale)