
Methodology, Theory, Practice

Dementiev V.E. On the Prospects for the Evolution of the Problematics of Economic Theory in the Period After the COVID-19 Pandemic

Evolution of the Post-Soviet Economic System

Financial and Credit Relations

Zolotareva A.B. How to Improve the Efficiency of Budget Control?

Agrarian Reorganization

Gumerov R.R. Unlearned Lessons of Food Price Spikes

Sectoral Problems

Betin V.O. About the Use of Engineering and Engineering Platforms in Housing Construction

State Governance and Corporate Management

Vinslav Yu.B. Towards Effective Regulation of the Development of the Russian Mineral Resource Complex: Issues of Industrial Policy and Corporate Management

Glaziev S.S. Problems and Prospects of Development of Venture Capital Institutions in Russia

Economics, Science and Education

Zazdravnykh A.V., Gudkova T.V. Formation of the Structure of Commodity Markets and Barriers to Entry to Them in the Conditions of Digitalization of the Economy: the Advertising Factor

Scientific Posts. Forum

Komov M.S. The Eurasian Economic Union: on the «Strategy-2025» and on the Transport and Logistics Component of the Document`s Issues


3rd International Moscow Academic Economic Forum

Presentation of the monograph «Russian-German economic relations. History and modernity. 1921–2021»