Evolution of the Post-Soviet Economic System

Financial and credit relations

Kapkanshchikov S.G. Once again about the negative synergy of the destructive policy of the Russian monetary authorities

Social Processes

Popsuyko A.N., Batsina E.A., Morozova E.А., Artamonova G.V. Defining the ontological status of labour productivity in health care


Methodology, Theory and Practice

Shvetsov A.N. Russian space in the process of historical transitions (towards the development and implementation of the theory of post-Soviet system transformations of the organization of the socio-economic space)


Economics, Science and Education

Nazarova I.A. Theoretical analysis of the evolution of monetary systems of Russia in extreme military-political circumstances of the first half of the twentieth century (In connection with the 80th anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War)


Criticism and Bibliography

Zemlyakov D.N. National innovative system: features of formation and implementation at the macro-, mezo- and microeconomic levels (about the Book by Yu.B. Vinslav «Innovative Development of the Economy: Problems of State and Corporate Governance»)


List of materials published in 2021