Evolution of the Post-Soviet Economic System

General Course of the Reform

Vinslav Yu.B. 2022: The rise of threats to national security, the actualization of the tasks of improving the quality of state management of the economy

Financial and Credit Relations

Ershov M.V., Tanasova A.S., Tskhovrebov M.P. On monetary and budget approaches in Russia in 2022–2024

Reform and Region

Andreeva E.N. The Arctic — natural resource management: A test on maturity

Social Processes

Bobkov V.N., Gulyugina A.A., Odintsova E.V. Social consequences of thirty years of capitalist reforms in Russia


Economics, Science and Education

Nazarova I.A. Contribution of alternative theories of money to the creation of a model of the monetary system in Russia (Late XIX — early XX century)

Aleksey Yur`evich Melent`ev