Evolution of the Post-Soviet Economic System

General Course of the Reform

Lyakin A.N. Crisis 2022–...: Potential scope and expected consequences

Gumerov R.R. The Food Security Doctrine Fiasco

Financial and Credit Relations

Romanchuk E.S. Reforms in the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development: "Adjustment" to the changing economic reality

Reform and Region

Blanutsa V.I. Clustering the regions of Siberia and the Far East to achieve national development goals

Еntrepreneurship and Technological Progress

Gudkova T.V., Zazdravnykh A.V., Loginova V.S. Digital technologies: Actual problems of implementation and impact on the efficiency of industrial production

Economic and Mathematical Approaches

Mironova I.A., Tischenko T.I., Frolova M.P. Problems of assessing the socio-economic efficiency of a large-scale infrastructure project on the example of a high-speed highway


Results of the IV Moscow Academic Economic Forum