
Evolution of New Economic System

The General Course of the Reform

Devoted to the Development of an Alternative Strategy of Russian Socio-Economic Development by the Economic Section within the Department of Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Proposals by  I v a n t e r  V., N e k i p e l o v  A., B o g o m o l o v  O.

and G l a z i e v  S.)

Foreign Economic Aspects

P e t r o v U., K a r a p e t i a n A. The Assessment of the Scale of the De-Offshorization of the Russian Economy Based on the Direct Foreign Investment Statistics

Economy and Education

C h e r k o v e z V. On the Subject of General Economic Theory and Its Relation to the Political Economy

World Economy

N o v o s e l o v a L. The New Stage of the Economic Reform in China: Financial Aspects

Criticism and Bibliography

L e k s i n V. The Transformation of Ideas of Soviet Social Scientists During the Period of «Perestroika» and After It (About the Book «Between Ideology and Science» by Kara-Murza S.G.)

S k l y a r o v I. On the Portrait of the Strategist of the Economic Victory over Fascism and the Postwar Economic Recovery (On the Book-Album about Voznesensky, Issued to the 69th Anniversary of the Victory)

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