
Evolution of New Economic System

Yu.   Vinslav. Strategic Macroplanning and National Industrial Policy: are Official Draft Laws Meaningful?

Methodology, Theory, Practice

A. Shvetsov. Unique Academic Study of Spatial Development of Russia (Conceptual and Methodological Background, Organisational Aspects and Outcomes of RAS Presidium’s Interdisciplinary Programme)

Economy and Education

A. Arkhipov, A. Eletsky (Rostov-on-Don). Multipolarity of Global Economy (Lecture and Workshop Materials)

D. Zemlyakov. Identification of Russian Economic School: Epistemological and Methodological Aspect

Criticism and Bibliography

«Economy for Individual»: Socio-Oriented Development Based on Real Sector Advancement. Outcome Document of Moscow Economic Forum (from MEF-2013 Proceedings)

R. Grinberg, A. Rubinstein. Individual and State: an Economic Dilemma (Foreword to a New Book on Theory of Economic Sociodynamics)

Scientific Reports. Forum

V. Gerasimenko. Academic Discussions at Moscow University on the Benefits of Interdisciplinary Interaction for Economic Science and Practice

S. Sarkisov. State Regulation of Russian Insurance Market: Latest Features

V. Vakhovsky (Ulianovsk). Concerning Evaluation of Workforce Competitiveness