
Evolution of New Economic System

General Course of Reform

Three-Year Budget 2015—2017: Imperative of Socio-Economic Course «Reversal» Was Ignored, This Time Again (Estimates of Representatives  of Left-Wing Fractions in State Duma).

Financial and Credit Relations

M.Yershov. Concerning Provision of Currency Stability and New Financial Mechanisms under Sanctions.

Agrarian Transformations

R.Gumerov. The Latest Evolution of Russian Agro-Economy: Barriers of Managerial Incompetence.

World Economy

L.Novosiolova. China: Is There Life after Sanctions? (Current Retroview).

Criticism and Bibliography

S. Glaziev. What Will Happen to Ukraine? (The Final Section of the Book «Ukraine`s Catastrophe: from American Agression to a World War?»). 

Scientific Reports. Forum

A.Frolov. On Bourgeois «Revolutions from Above» in General and the Current Russian One in Particular.