Abstracts of Main Articles

The roads that we do not choose (on the government «Strategy of spatial development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025»)

Leksin V.N.,

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Chief Research Officer, Institute for Systems Analysis, FRC «Computer Science and Control» RAS

Abstract. The article analyzes the causes and predicts the consequences of the recent (in February 2019). the adoption of the «Strategy of spatial development of the Russian Federation» — a natural, according to the author, evidence of the continuation of the former regional policy of the state, including the consolidation in the future of the initiated contraction in large-city agglomerations of material, financial, human and other resources, focus on point pockets of preferential stimulated economic activity. In this regard, it is shown on what conceptual and ideological Foundation the development of the «Strategy» was based and what mechanisms of implementation are proposed in it. As a concrete example, the government of the Russian Federation adopted a «comprehensive plan for the modernization and expansion of the main infrastructure for the period up to 2024» in the development of the «Strategy», planning another «road that we do not choose».

Keywords: spatial development of the Russian Federation, government strategy of spatial development of Russia, Russian regions, macro-regions, subjects of the Russian Federation, municipalities, state regional policy, preferential stimulation of social and economic development of territories, modernization and expansion of the main infrastructure of the Russian Federation, large-city agglomerations.

DOI: 10.33983/0130-9757-2019-3-3-3-24


Diagnostics on characteristics of network infrastructure technology under modification of Russian natural monopoly state regulation

Belousova N.I,

Doctor of Science (Economics), Leading Researcher, Federal Research Center «Computer Science and Control» Russian Academy of Sciences (FRC CSC RAS),

Vasilieva E.M.,

Doctor of Science (Economics), Leading Researcher, Federal Research Center «Computer Science and Control» Russian Academy of Sciences (FRC CSC RAS)

Abstract. The process of natural monopoly Russian structure reforming and situation connected with modification the conditions of natural monopoly state regulation, list of activities and price techniques in the sphere are analyzed. There are represented the guidelines on diagnostics of infrastructure technology using natural monopoly activity indicators and taking into account network specific of transport, communications, energy and so on. Some features of realization the approaches on diagnostics and modeling natural monopoly infrastructure technologies are considered.

Keywords: structure reforms on natural monopolies spheres, modification of state regulation, infrastructure technologies, network specific, natural monopoly activity indicators.

DOI: 10.33983/0130-9757-2019-3-3-25-35


Integration of mining and metallurgical complex: factors of industrial and corporate policy

Vinslav Yu.B.,

ScD (Economics), Professor, Chief Researcher of Russian State Geological Prospecting University named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze (MGRI-RGGRU)

Lunkin D.A.,

Post-Graduate Student, Russian State Geological Prospecting University named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze (MGRI-RGGU)

Abstract. The article emphasizes the need and outlines the ways of corporate relations between the mining and metallurgical segments of the mineral complex of Russia. These segments are designed to ensure the smooth and competitive functioning of the integrated process chain for the extraction of iron ore, its enrichment and production of metal products. The strategic guidelines for the development of the mining and metallurgical complex (MMC) are characterized, suggesting an increase in its diversity and innovation. The proposed instruments of the state industrial policy that stimulate the development of integrated technological chains in MMC. Recommendations on improvement of regulations of corporate policy in mining and processing plants focused on improvement of quality of integration interaction with the metallurgical enterprises are given. The principles of improving the strategic planning of companies in MMC, involving the activation of joint activities of mining and metallurgical enterprises within the integrated business.

Keywords: mineral resources complex, mining and metallurgical complex, mining and processing plants, metallurgical plants, integrated technological chains, integrated corporate structures, industrial policy, sectoral strategies, corporate management, corporate policy, strategic planning.

DOI: 10.33983/0130-9757-2019-3-3-36-59


Processes of import substitution in the market of meat and dairy products in the context of economic policy

Belova T.N., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of Academy of Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia (APU FSIN),

Konkina V.S., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of the Ryazan State Agrotechnological University (FGBOU of VO RGATU)

Abstract. In article the complex assessment of modern policy of import substitution in the sphere of the agrofood market based on balance of its positive and negative effects is given. According to Rosstat and the Federal Customs Service the complex dynamic analysis of the meat and dairy markets in the context of key indicators — the price, import, export is carried out. Relationships of cause and effect of change of a condition of the food market in connection with introduction of economic sanctions are revealed. The conclusion that the policy of import substitution has to consider the potential risks and threats connected as with the possible accompanying growth of the food prices and deterioration of the food status of the least provided groups of the population, and with technical and technological dependence of domestic agricultural production on a foreign market is drawn. The main directions in which programs of support and stimulation are necessary are formulated.

Keywords: food market, export, import, import substitution, agrarian lobby, meat market, dairy market.

DOI: 10.33983/0130-9757-2019-2-3-60-74


On the identity of socialism in modern China

Lyubinin A.B.,

ScD (Economics), Professor, Member of the Board of Directors of JSC «Business-Alliance»

Abstract. The article comments on the concept of «socialism with Chinese specificity», which forms the ideological basis of the «Chinese miracle». The ideological origins of this concept, starting with Confucianism, are revealed. It has evolved to become increasingly pragmatic and to adapt to the realities of national and global development. The relation of this concept with the Marxist concept of socialism is shown. The article substantiates the fundamental theoretical thesis that in the objective-essential sense (in the elimination of, in particular, national specifics) Chinese society is a transitional form to socialism (a certain analogue of the Soviet society of the NEP period). The author talks about a «heterogeneous», «mixed» socio-economic system, the vector and nature of the future evolution of which will depend crucially on the strategic course of the CPC.

Keywords: China (PRC), CPC, The Х1Х Congress of the CPC, socialism, Marxist concept of socialism, concept of «socialism with Chinese specificity», Confucianism, V. I. Lenin, concept of «socialization of production in practice», NEP, Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Xi Jinping.

DOI: 10.33983/0130-9757-2019-3-3-75-89


«The Impossible Trinity» rule in the context of international experience

Tskhovrebov M.P.,

PhD (Economics), Junior Researcher, Center for Monetary Policy and Financial Markets of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation,

Tanasova A.S.,

PhD (Economics), Deputy Director of the Center for Monetary Policy and Financial Markets of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Abstract. The article is devoted to the «Trilemma» of the policy of the monetary authorities, or the «rule of impossible trinity». This policy compatibility rule, formulated more than 50 years ago, remains relevant today. Its reliability is generally confirmed by a number of empirical studies, although there are also suggestions on the need to adjust this economic and theoretical development. The corresponding discussion also affects the policy of the Bank of Russia (mega-regulator), which carries out inflation targeting in conditions of the free movement of cross-border capital and the use of a floating ruble exchange rate. Regarding the effectiveness of this policy, carried out in the presence of increased sensitivity of the Russian economy to external shocks, the authors express certain doubts.

Keywords: «Trilemma of impossibility», «rule of impossible trinity», monetary authorities, monetary policy, exchange rate of national currency, exchange rate policy, exchange rate volatility, inflation targeting, cross-border movement of capital, mega-regulator, CBR.

DOI: 10.33983/0130-9757-2019-3-3-90-96


On the role of transnational corporations in modern integration and globalization processes

Baryshnikov P.Yu.,

Postgraduate Student, Department of World Economy and World Finance, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Manager of group of companies «PSB»

Abstract. The subject of the author’s research is the development of transnational corporations (TNCs) as an organic component of modern international economic integration and globalization processes. The concept and features of TNCs are characterized. A brief historical overview of the formation and development of corporate transnationalism is proposed. Statistics on the largest TNCs are presented and analyzed. On the one hand, positive aspects of the impact of TNCs on the development of the world economy and its national components were identified, and on the other hand, the negative consequences of the expansion of these corporations for both host countries and home countries of TNCs. The relationship between TNCs and sovereign States is considered in many aspects. Thus, based on the analysis of the instruments of influence of the companies under consideration on the normative activities of the States, a shift from the interstate to the corporate legal field was recorded. One of the subjects of the article is mega regional trade agreements of a new type as a factor of increasing the contradictory impact of TNCs on the development of the world economy and its national components.

Keywords: TNCs, international economic integration, globalization, world economy, foreign direct investment (FDI), world trade, lobbying, mega-regional agreements, international law.

DOI: 10.33983/0130-9757-2019-3-3-97-106


Development of e-commerce in the area of «Greater Eurasia»: on the possibilities of Russia`s participation

Nevskaya A.A.,

PhD. (Econ.), Research Fellow Primakov Institute of World Economy and International Relations,

Kondeev A.V.,

Junior Research Fellow, Primakov Institute of World Economy and International Relations

Abstract. The article assesses the chances of Russia`s inclusion in the rapidly developing in the space of «Greater Eurasia» e-Commerce. The essence of the transformation of value chains in cross-border markets of consumer goods through e-Commerce is characterized; the existing architecture of marketplaces in Europe and Asia is considered; the limitations of our country`s participation in the processes of digitalization of international trade are revealed. The information and regulatory aspects of the problem are touched upon. The conclusion, according to which Russia is able to form a competitive national infrastructure for digital trading if solve the dilemma of regulation and will also attract national digital platform for Federal information systems.

Keywords: e-Commerce, the Eurasian space, «greater Eurasia», the Eurasian economic Union, «Digital silk road», China (PRC), the value chain, the marketplace, the digital platform.

DOI: 10.33983/0130-9757-2019-3-3-107-115


Valuable designing is the most important social problem (on A.L. Zhukov`s monograph «Modern methods of wage regulation»)

Roik V.D.,

ScD (Economics), professor, independent expert

Abstract. Review of the book indicated in the review`s title. According to the summary of the reviewer`s reflections on the monograph, its author: a) highly characterizes the whole complex set of existing problems in the field under consideration; b) gives practical recommendations for their resolution — to improve the mechanism of wage regulation in Russia at various management levels (from the macro level to the enterprise level).

Keywords: wages; median, modal and fair wages; wages; wage regulation; share of wages in gross domestic product; tariff systems; incentive systems for personnel; System of national accounts; Pension Fund of the Russian Federation; Federal compulsory health insurance Fund; social insurance Fund of The Russian Federation.

DOI: 10.33983/0130-9757-2019-3-116-118